Differential Equation Method for ABCD Parameter of Nonuniform Transmission Lines 非均匀传输线ABCD参数的微分方程解法
Modeling and Accuracy Analysis of Parameter Transmission in INS/ SAR Integrated Navigation System INS/SAR组合导航参数传递建模及精度分析
Different power-frequency positive-sequence parameter measurements for transmission lines are compared. 对架空输电线路的工频正序参数测量方法进行了分析比较。
Parameter Measurement and Transmission of the Drill Bit for Horizontal Directional Drilling 水平定向钻进钻头信息的测量与传输
Commutated reactance is an important parameter in HVDC transmission system. 换相电抗是高压直流输电系统中的一项重要技术参数。
Distortion in Parameter Transmission and its Countermeasures 参数传递中的失真现象与对策
The basic method of software designing about parameter transmission between ADS application program and LISP program has been studied, and a part of source program has been given. 重点研究了关于ADS应用程序与LISP程序数据传递的软件设计方法,并提供了部分源程序。
The Parameter Transmission in the Senior Language 高级语言中的参数传递
In Visual Basic, there are two forms of parameter transmission. One is value transmission and the other is address transmission. The realization method of calling API function by using the string as parameter in VB is introduced. 在VISUALBASIC中,参数传递有两种形式,一种是值传递,一种是地址传递,本文介绍了VB中字符串作参数调用API函数的实现方法。
Hardware connection and the set of IP address are introduced in this paper. TCP serve registration and the automatic connection of TCP clients are analyzed. Communications and the image parameter transmission between two computers in the HUD/ WAS training simulation system is provided. 介绍了双机通信所必需的硬件连接和IP地址设置,分析了TCP服务器的注册和TCP客户端的自动连接,并以平显训练模拟系统为例,分析了双机通信和画面参数的传输。
Using Muller matrix and Stokes parameter, transmission and half breadth of passband of tunable Lyot filter were theoretically analysed, and the effect that the accuracy of quarter wave plate made to the character of filter was first discussed. 本文利用Muller矩阵和Stoks参量,从理论上分析Lyot可调双折射滤光片的透射率、通带半宽度等性能,并首次讨论了λ/4波片的精度对滤光片性能的影响。
Hotline Measuring of Zero-sequence Parameter in Transmission Line 输电线路零序互感参数带电测量
This paper introduces a system of electric parameters monitor and data transmission, which can monitor three-phase voltage, current, power, energy and power factor simultaneously and can realize parameter remote transmission through GPRS network. 介绍一种电力参数监测及数据传输系统,系统能同时监测三相电压、电流、功率、电度和功率因数等,并通过GPRS网,实现电参数的远程传输;
This monitoring terminal can monitor three-phase voltage, current, power, and power factor simultaneously, and also can realize parameter remote transmission to the center through GPRS network. 该终端能监测三相电压、电流、功率和功率因数等参数,并通过GPRS网络将各参数远程传输至配电监控中心供参考。
Based on phase-modal transformation technique and distributed parameter transmission line model, the algorithm utilizes quasi-Newton method to resolve non-linear equation sets allowing for data sampling asynchronization at both terminals. 该算法采用相-模变换技术和分布参数线路模型,考虑了双端数据的不同步问题,运用拟牛顿法迭代求解非线性方程组。
A Bond Graph Model of Inlet Flow and Outlet Flow for the Distributed Parameter Fluid Transmission Line and its Experimental Research 输入流输出流管道分布参数键图模型的建立与实验研究
Fault analysis of distributed parameter of transmission line and relay performance 输电线路分布参数的故障分析与继电保护动作特性
In assembly model, with "Execute" order, parameter transmission between the assembly models and the components was achieved, which made the design of spade soil opener more conveniently and rapidly. 在装配模型中,应用Execute命令,以实现装配模型和零件之间参数的传递,使铲式成穴器的设计更方便、更快捷。
Study on Calculating Dynamic Parameter of Gear Transmission System 齿轮传动系统动力学参数的计算方法
Transmission coefficient is a important parameter for transmission line transformer. 传输系数是传输线变压器的重要参数。
By simulating Lorenz system parameter modulation signal transmission through the channel existing noise, we can see the noise reduction advantage of time lag feedback chaos synchronization. 通过模拟存在信道噪声的情况下,采用Lorenz系统用参数调制进行信号传输,证实了时滞反馈同步的抗噪优越性。
Parameter Transmission Between Program Units 程序单位之间的参数传递
Through-assembly-module bearing composed of several standard components, the thesis will explain the basic parameter of assembly body bearing and the sub-components parameter transmission process. 由几个标准零件组成的装配组件轴承,主要介绍了装配体轴承基本参数与子零件参数的传递过程。
The active unstable resonator mode fast calculation program in this thesis has been used in the optimal design of high-power HF laser. A differential algorithm based on the q parameter transmission was established, and it is can be used to calculate active stable cavity mode. 本文所编制的有源非稳腔模式快速计算程序已经应用于大功率HF激光器的设计优化。
In this thesis, the equation of uniform transmission line is derived, which is based on the distributed parameter transmission line module. Also the decoupling of three-phase system is achieved. 论文基于分布参数模型,推导了均匀传输线方程,并实现了三相线路的解耦。
As revolving speed is an important parameter for transmission test, this paper studies three ways to get revolving speed. By means of simulation analysis, these three methods are compared and their advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. 转速作为变速器测试分析中一个重要参数,论文研究了三种转速获取方法,通过仿真分析,从计算速度、精度等方面对它们进行了对比并指出其优缺点。
Only the two-terminal fault location algorithm with asynchronous data, allowing the parameter of transmission line to alter, can be of practical value. 不要求数据同步、允许线路参数可变化的双端测距算法才具有工程实用价值。
The parameter retrieval results, surface current distribution, analysis of critical parameter and transmission experiment in PPW system are also utilized to distinguish the electric and magnetic response for different resonance regime. 4. 通过参数提取,表面电流分布,关键参数研究以及平板波导中的能量传输实验的结果来区分不同频段谐振处的电响应和磁响应。
On the basis of theoretical foundation, parameter information transmission is optimized and improved. 并且在实验的基础上,运用仿真分析的理论基础,探讨了该系统参数传输协议的优化问题以及改进方法。